Saturday, April 9, 2016

A Cake For Pacific Dental Conference’s Toothfairy Gala

The Pacific Dental Conference is the largest conference in the country, with 13,000 folks in attendance. The conference culminates in the wildly popular Toothfairy Gala, where the main highlight is the live cake auction.
This year’s 16th annual Toothfairy Gala, which took place at the Vancouver Convention Centre, invited the city’s top 10 bakeries to contribute a cake, including Ganache Patisserie, Vancouver Convention Centre,  Pacific Institute of Culinary Arts, Butter Baked Goods, Culinary Capers Catering, Thomas Haas Chocolates + Patisserie, Ray’s Bakery, Giovane Cafe + Eatery, Hawkworth Restaurant, and Pan Pacific! This year’s fundraising beneficiary was the BC Cancer Foundation, in benefit of the BC Cancer Agency’s Early Oral Cancer Detection Project.
The live cake auction has typically raised in the range of $55K-$60K for all 10 cakes auctioned off. (with one single cake going for $20K!)
But this year turned out to be a record setting year!
The 10 cakes generated $100K! Our gorgeous cake sold for $4500. The top cake was contributed by Thomas Haas. Not only did it go for $17K, but it was sold three times, for a total of $51K!  By the end of the night, a total of over $150K was raised for the BC Cancer Agency! AMAZING!
We caught up with Pan Pacific Pastry Chef, Hans Pirhofer for a quick Q+A on our cake:
PPV: Hi Hans, what inspired you to make this particular cake?
HF: We went with the literal tooth fairy theme. The butterfly being the tooth fairy collecting the sugar tooth. The sugar string is, of course, the floss.
PPV: How long did it take to make the cake?
HF: The whole cake took about 15 hours
PPV: And how long did it take to create the tooth and the butterfly?
HF: The tooth took an hour and so did the butterfly.
PPV: Is the tooth made of sugar?
HF: Yes, the tooth is sugar and the butterfly is made of chocolate.
PPV: What kind of cake is this?
HF: The cake is chocolate caramel and the different layers were made of bruleed white chocolate mousse, mango passion fruit gel, hazelnut grillage, and dark chocolate caramel cream.
PPV: Sounds delicious! So the entire cake is edible then?
HF: Absolutely!
Thank you to all the generous bidders and participants who took part in the cake and silent auction, raising a record-breaking $150K for this year’s Toothfairy Gala!

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